I was fortunate to have a Kundalini instructor (Deva Kaur Khalsa) who studied directly with Yogi Bhajan, the Kundalini master, and founder of the 3HO organization. My ability to act on my creative impulses are a direct benefit of having begun my studies in Kundalini Yoga, so it is my great pleasure to be able to pass on these meditations and mantras as they were passed on to me. I began work on these recordings during a Kundalini certification course to help myself do the meditations and was encouraged to do a complete CD by my fellow students and Deva Kaur Khalsa. The course was my first serious experience with meditation.
It was my great pleasure to have Deva Kaur Khalsa sing the Sa Ta Na Ma mantra with me on this CD. She taught both of these mantras to me. In addition to Deva Kaur, I was indeed fortunate to have Amit Chaterjee play Sitar and sing, and Michael Moses play gongs on the 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo' mantra.
You can hear another version of this mantra on the 'Yellow Bell/Svadharma' CD. Amit sings a beautiful solo vocal on it that brought chills to our spines during the recording session. I did not include Amit's wonderful solo vocal on the 'Sa Ta Na Ma' CD as the intention was for the listener to participate by singing along and not to be distracted by Amits vocal.
Read about the musicians and instrumentation, and Kundalini Yoga.